On being wonderfully wrong

Today I want to share something personal. For a long long time I thought that being wrong was something that made me less of a good person, less smart, less kind, less everything. I was afraid of being wrong or doing something wrong because I took it as a sign that something was not right with me, that I could or should do better. Thinking like that made me take others comments, failures and criticism directly to heart and making me feel less worth. It took me years – decades – to discover that being wrong has nothing to do with what you are worth! Yes, being wrong can make us feel bad, sad and angry. It can make us doubt our way and our choices. But that’s also a good thing – right?

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Lazy Sunday – and Cardamom Matcha Latte!

It’s Sunday again, yay. Let’s celebrate this with quality time for ourself, a big mug of steaming, spicy and delicious Cardamom Matcha Latte (vegan – recipe below) and of course cake! I know I know, bikini-season is only days away and we all want to look super tanned and toned on the beach… but to be honest, life is waaay to short to always ponder if one more slice will magically shrink your bathing suite of choice.

During the night it started raining which means that I will spend my day reading, writing and caring for my soul – aka sipping tea and snacking on whatever sweets I will find in my sweets-drawer (yes, that’s a thing). I’m still working on the details of my new blog layout, editing some things here and there, trying to figure out the best way to do this. To be honest, most of this is new to me so please be patient with me making mistakes along the way.

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Danke Mama!

Da ich diesen Post für meine liebe Mutter schreibe ist er natürlich in meiner Muttersprache (was für ein passendes Wort). 

In den letzten Tagen sind mir so einige Gedanken zum Muttertag durch den Kopf gegangen. Zum einen finde ich es wunderbar, dass es einen fixen Tag im Jahr gibt an dem Kinder ihren Müttern für alles danken und auch von der Gesellschaft dazu angehalten werden es zu tun – in welcher Form auch immer. Auf der anderen Seite finde ich, dass man seinen Lieben – egal ob Mutter, Vater, Großeltern, Geschwister, Freunde, usw. – nicht nur an einem besonderen Tag sagen sollte wie sehr sie unser Leben bereichern. Ich selbst bin da natürlich keine Ausnahme. Viel zu oft bleiben Worte ungesagt, Taten ungetan. 

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Lazy Sunday!

Welcome to this lazy Sunday. Actually I wanted to add and edit my latest trip to Japan, but somehow…. well, sometimes a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do – which in this case is simply nothing. How I sometimes miss the time to read a good book or simply watch some youtube videos while snacking on unhealthy stuff and drinking sodas. So I decided to do just that.

A few months ago I subscribed to the Audible app and I love it. Because there has been little to no time to read books last year and because my way to work is pretty long I decided to give it a shot. Since the subscription I use the time driving in my car to listen to audiobooks. So I will post some of my most favorite books here. Maybe some will make you want to read them too.  My book list ranges from economics to biographies to psychology to fiction. I don’t favor a specific genre, whatever looks interesting gets a chance.

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New Layout – New Style

O-hisashiburi! It’s been quite a while since my last post. But you know – sometimes life has different plans than you do. And sometimes you just need to relax and unwind after stressful days at work or personal challenges.

At new years I decided to be more active again, to not let life dictate every step and just do stuff. So I started eating healthier, work out more, stress less and become more social – meaning a new layout – new style for my Blog and the resolution to post regularly as well as from the heart. Fortunately I have already planned a few trips this year which will give me plenty of stuff to write about.

The first trip will be to Japan…in just three days! Can you believe that? Time really flies. And Japan being Japan there will be loooots to share. So stay tuned!

XO, Alex

Stepping Outside


If somebody would have told me one year ago that I would soon take my first baby steps into the vast world of social media (I know, I´m a late social media bloomer, haha), I would have laughed at them. Well I probably have, so… sorry. But during the last months, especially when I was traveling alone, I came to realize that media like facebook, instagram and co. can be a great tool to stay in touch with people and get a glimpse into their lives and share a bit of yours.

When I was younger I was quite against the idea of sharing personal stuff with anybody. I thought it might make you prone to vulnerability, even opening up to friends and family seemed… stressful. In retrospect I think I was just a little scaredy cat. I mean, after all you can choose what you want to share – it´s up to me, the author. By now I find it a wonderful idea to share new adventures, precious moments and beautiful pictures with people who are interested.

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