Stepping Outside


If somebody would have told me one year ago that I would soon take my first baby steps into the vast world of social media (I know, I´m a late social media bloomer, haha), I would have laughed at them. Well I probably have, so… sorry. But during the last months, especially when I was traveling alone, I came to realize that media like facebook, instagram and co. can be a great tool to stay in touch with people and get a glimpse into their lives and share a bit of yours.

When I was younger I was quite against the idea of sharing personal stuff with anybody. I thought it might make you prone to vulnerability, even opening up to friends and family seemed… stressful. In retrospect I think I was just a little scaredy cat. I mean, after all you can choose what you want to share – it´s up to me, the author. By now I find it a wonderful idea to share new adventures, precious moments and beautiful pictures with people who are interested.

I’ve been following a lot of blogs and websites over the years. I don’t know if you ever felt like that, but it sometimes helps me to read about other people’s lives, their hardships and how they overcame them and moved on. It makes me realize “wow, I´m not the only one that has these problems” or “it´s amazing how they manage their lives despite everything” and gives me courage to try my best too. The internet can be a battleground. But to me it’s also a place for mutual respect and understanding, for finding new friends and reconnect to old ones. It’s a place where you can reach out to people.

In this blog I will share stories of my travel adventures, my favourite food and recipes and impressions of the beautiful nature and culture around me. So if you want to know more – stay tuned!

XO Alex

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